Get started

                API Base Endpoint

The Easily API is a RESTful API that allows you to integrate our platform services on your application.

To use this API, you need an API Key and API Secret Key. You would also optionally need your Account Code. Please contact us at to get your own API key or click here.

Our API gives you access to virtually all user features on your account on our platform and avail them for use in your application.

Easily offers a wider range of services and digital solutions tailored for businesses and enterprises. You can buy power, gas, internet, cable TV, talk-time, and access finance - all in one app.

Easily's target market are individuals and businesses seeking a more convenient way to manage home and business needs.

Sign-up to Easily for Business and earn a commission when customers in your community pay for power, gas, cable TV and more through you.

User Registration

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'username' 
-D 'email' 
-D 'phone' 
-D 'password'

To create a new user account on the platform :

Result example :

    "status" - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    "message" - STRING (server status message e.g "Registration successful!") 
    "userid" - INT (Logged in user's unique ID) 
    "username" - STRING (Logged in user's username) 
    "useremail" - STRING (Logged in user's email) 
    "userimage" - STRING (Logged in user's photo absolute URL) 
    "logintoken" - STRING (Logged in user's authentication login token) 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
username STRING New user's username
email STRING New user's email address
phone INT New user's phone number
password STRING New user's password
pincode INT (optional - default: 000000) New user's pincode OTP for cash withdrawals from wallet

User KYC & Bank Verification

# Here is a curl example
curl \

This link, embedable widget or pop-up is for user bank linkage and KYC. This should be called right after the user registration endpoint :


User Login

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'username' 
-D 'password'

To login a user to his or her account on the platform :

Result example :

    "status" - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    "message" - STRING (server status message e.g "Registration successful!") 
    "userid" - INT (Logged in user's unique ID) 
    "username" - STRING (Logged in user's username) 
    "useremail" - STRING (Logged in user's email) 
    "userimage" - STRING (Logged in user's photo absolute URL) 
    "logintoken" - STRING (Logged in user's authentication login token) 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
username STRING User's username
password STRING User's password

User Forgot/Reset Password

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'email' 
-D 'resetcode'

To reset a user password when forgotten :

Result example :

    "status" - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    "message" - STRING (server status message e.g "Password reset code sent to your email") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
email STRING User's email
resetcode STRING Reset code gotten via user's email (optional)

User Change Password

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'email' 
-D 'resetcode'
-D 'password'
-D 'passwordtwo'

To change a user password after reset code gotten. Typically called after password reset code gotten above :

Result example :

    "status" - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    "message" - STRING (server status message e.g "Password changed successfully") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
email STRING User's email
resetcode STRING Reset code gotten via user's email (optional)
password STRING New user password
passwordtwo STRING Confirm entered new user password

User Account Details

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user account details :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    walletbalance - INT (Logged in user's wallet balance) 
    firstname - STRING (Logged in user's firstname) 
    lastname - STRING (Logged in user's lastname) 
    overdraftbalance - INT (Logged in user's overdraft balance) 
    overdraftlimit - INT (Logged in user's overdraft limit) 
    creditscore - INT (Logged in user's bank credit score) 
    defaultloanoverdraftdailyinterestrate - DOUBLE (Daily loan interest rate percentage e.g 5) 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Account Transactions

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user account transactions :

Result example :

    orderid - INT (Transaction ID) 
    amout - FLOAT (Transaction amount) 
    date - STRING (Transaction date) 
    details - STRING (Transaction details) 
    paymentstatus - STRING (Transaction payment status e.g. paid or unpaid) 
    paymentmethod - STRING (Transaction method e.g card or wallet) 
    type - STRING (Transaction type e.g transfer) 
    loanid - INT (Transaction loan ID if a loan payment)


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User View Profile Details

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user to view profile details :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    walletbalance - INT (Logged in user's wallet balance) 
    firstname - INT (Logged in user's firstname) 
    lastname - INT (Logged in user's lastname) 
    overdraftbalance - INT (Logged in user's overdraft balance) 
    overdraftlimit - INT (Logged in user's overdraft limit) 
    creditscore - INT (Logged in user's bank credit score)


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
:userEmail STRING email of the user's profile to view

User Pin Code Reset

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user to reset pin code:

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Pin code reset successful! Check email for reset code.") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Account Update

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'pincode'
-D 'oldpincode'
-D 'resetcode'
-D 'firstname'
-D 'lastname'
-D 'address'
-D 'city'
-D 'state'
-D 'country'
-D 'gender'
-D 'bvn'
-D 'dob'

For user account details update e.g pincode. Typically called after pin code RESET CODE generation :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Account update successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
pincode INT User pincode (only for subsequent Pin Code changes)
oldpincode INT User old pincode (optional, only for subsequent Pin Code changes)
resetcode STRING User pincode reset code (generated from above pin code generation endpoint)
firstname STRING User firstname
lastname STRING User lastname
address STRING User address
city STRING User city
state STRING User state
country STRING User country
gender STRING User gender e.g male or female
dob STRING User date of birth

User Request Overdraft

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'loanamount'
-D 'loanpurpose'
-D 'loanrepaymentchoice'
-D 'pincode'

For user requesting overdraft :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Posted and pending admin approval") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
loanamount DOUBLE Overdraft amount
loanpurpose STRING Overdraft purpose e.g personal or business
loanrepaymentchoice STRING Overdraft payment option e.g wallet
pincode INT User pincode

User Account Overdrafts

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user account overdrafts :

Result example :

    id - INT (Overdraft ID) 
    status - STRING (Overdraft status e.g active, pending etc) 
    type - STRING (Overdraft type) 
    details - STRING (Overdraft details) 
    amount - INT (Overdraft amount) 
    paymentstatus - STRING (Overdraft status e.g paid, unpaid, part-payment etc) 
    paymentmethod - STRING (Overdraft repayment method e.g card or wallet) 
    purpose - STRING (Overdraft purpose) 
    charges - INT (Overdraft accrued interest charges) 
    interestrate - INT (Overdraft interest rate) 
    outstandingamount - INT (Overdraft outstanding amount) 
    repaymentamount - INT (Overdraft repayment amount) 
    date - STRING (Overdraft request date) 
    paymentslog - ARRAY (Overdraft repayment history log)


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Pay Overdraft

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'loanid'
-D 'loanrepaymentchoice'
-D 'amount'

For user paying overdraft :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Payment successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
loanid INT Overdraft ID
loanrepaymentchoice STRING Overdraft payment option e.g wallet
amount DOUBLE Overdraft payment amount

User Post Wishlist

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'title'
-D 'details'
-D 'amount'

For user to post wishlist :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Posted successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
title STRING Title
details STRING Details
amount DOUBLE Amount

User Wishlist

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user account wishlist :

Result example :

    id - INT (Pricelist ID) 
    status - STRING (Pricelist status e.g active, disabled etc) 
    title - STRING (Title) 
    details - STRING (Details) 
    price - INT (amount) 
    date - STRING (request date)


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Post Gift Voucher

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'type'
-D 'details'
-D 'amount'

For user to post gift voucher :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Posted successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
type STRING Type
details STRING Details
amount DOUBLE Amount

User Gift Vouchers

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user account gift vouchers :

Result example :

    id - INT (Pricelist ID) 
    status - STRING (Pricelist status e.g active, disabled etc) 
    type - STRING (Type) 
    details - STRING (Details) 
    price - INT (amount) 
    status - STRING (status)
    usedby - STRING (used by)
    code - STRING (code)
    date - STRING (request date)


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Post Pricelist

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'title'
-D 'details'
-D 'amount'

For user to post pricelist :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Posted successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
title STRING Title
details STRING Details
amount DOUBLE Amount

User Pricelist

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user account wishlist :

Result example :

    id - INT (Pricelist ID) 
    status - STRING (Pricelist status e.g active, disabled etc) 
    title - STRING (Title) 
    details - STRING (Details) 
    price - INT (amount) 
    date - STRING (request date)


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Post Prayerlist

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'title'
-D 'details'
-D 'amount'

For user to post prayerlist :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Posted successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
title STRING Title
details STRING Details
amount DOUBLE Amount

User Prayerlist

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user account prayerlist :

Result example :

    id - INT (Pricelist ID) 
    status - STRING (Pricelist status e.g active, disabled etc) 
    title - STRING (Title) 
    details - STRING (Details) 
    price - INT (amount) 
    date - STRING (request date)


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User OTP Code Reset

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user OTP CODE generation for wallet withdrawal :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "OTP code sent to your email") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Wallet Transfer

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'amount'
-D 'details'

For user to transfer money from wallet :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Transfer successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
amount DOUBLE Amount
details STRING Details (optional)

User Add Bank Account

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'bankname'
-D 'bankcode'
-D 'bankaccountname'
-D 'bankaccountnumber'
-D 'pincode'
-D 'withdrawamount'

For user to add bank account. Click here to view the accepted list of bank codes :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Posted successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
bankname STRING Bank name
bankcode STRING Bank code (Click here to view the accepted list of bank codes)
bankaccountname STRING Bank account name
bankaccountnumber STRING Bank account number
pincode INT Pin code
withdrawamount DOUBLE Withdraw amount

User Bank Accounts

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user added bank accounts :

Result example :

    id - INT (Wishlist ID) 
    bankname - STRING 
    bankcode - STRING 
    bankaccountname - STRING 
    bankaccountnumber - INT 
    date - STRING


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

User Bank Account Verification

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'bankcode'
-D 'bankaccountnumber'

For user to verify a bank account :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    bankaccountname- STRING 
    bankaccountnumber- INT


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
bankcode STRING Bank code (Click here to view the accepted list of bank codes)
bankaccountnumber STRING Bank account number

User Bank Withdrawal

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'bankid'
-D 'details'
-D 'pincode'
-D 'withdrawamount'

For user withdrawal into bank account on profile :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Withdrawal successful") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
bankid INT Bank ID (gotten from list of user bank accounts)
details STRING Details (optional)
pincode INT Pin code
withdrawamount DOUBLE Withdraw amount

User Virtual Bank Account Request

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'

For user virtual bank account request :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Request submitted successfully and awaiting approval") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration

Utility Bill - Power Purchase

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'type'
-D 'meternumber'
-D 'electricitycompany'
-D 'metertype'
-D 'amount'
-D 'phone'
-D 'paymentmethod'

For user to purchase and pay for utility power bills :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Order submitted successfully") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
type STRING Bill type e.g power
meternumber STRING User meter number
electricitycompany STRING User electricity company e.g either abuja-electric, eko-electric, enugu-electric, ibadan-electric, ikeja-electric, jos-electric, kaduna-electric, kano-electric or portharcourt-electric
metertype STRING User meter type e.g either prepaid or postpaid
amount Double Amount
phone STRING User registered phone number
paymentmethod STRING Payment method, only 'wallet' is accepted

Utility Bill - Gas Purchase

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'type'
-D 'gasvolume'
-D 'deliverylocation'
-D 'deliveryaddress'
-D 'amount'
-D 'phone'
-D 'paymentmethod'

For user to purchase and pay for utility gas bills :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Order submitted successfully") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
type STRING Bill type e.g gas
gasvolume STRING User gas volume
deliverylocation STRING User delivery location company e.g either pick-up or delivery
deliveryaddress STRING User delivery address
amount Double Amount
phone STRING User registered phone number
paymentmethod STRING Payment method, only 'wallet' is accepted

Utility Bill - Phone Purchase

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'type'
-D 'phonetocredit'
-D 'networkprovider'
-D 'airtimeordata'
-D 'dataplan'
-D 'amount'
-D 'phone'
-D 'paymentmethod'

For user to purchase and pay for utility phone bills :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Order submitted successfully") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
type STRING Bill type e.g phone
phonetocredit STRING User recipent's phone to credit
networkprovider STRING Network e.g either mtn, glo, airtel or etisalat
airtimeordata STRING Phone purchase type e.g either airtime or data
dataplan STRING Network dataplan if data selected in the airtimeordata parameter
amount Double Amount
phone STRING User registered phone number
paymentmethod STRING Payment method, only 'wallet' is accepted

Utility Bill - Cable Purchase

# Here is a curl example
curl \
-D 'apikey' 
-D 'apikeysecret' 
-D 'userid' 
-D 'userlogintoken'
-D 'type'
-D 'cablenumber'
-D 'cabletype'
-D 'cablepackage'
-D 'amount'
-D 'phone'
-D 'paymentmethod'

For user to purchase and pay for utility cable bills :

Result example :

    status - STRING (action status which is either success or failed) 
    message - STRING (server status message e.g "Order submitted successfully") 


Field Type Description
apikey STRING Your API key.
apikeysecret STRING Your API secret key.
userid INT User ID gotten from successful login or registration
userlogintoken STRING User login token gotten from successful login or registration
type STRING Bill type e.g cable
cablenumber STRING User recipent's cable number
cabletype STRING Cable type e.g either dstv or gotv
cablepackage STRING Cable package
amount Double Amount
phone STRING User registered phone number
paymentmethod STRING Payment method, only 'wallet' is accepted

APP Web Hook

Header Hash authorization :
    hash - STRING (a sha512 hash_hmac of the payload and your API Key Secret) 

For APP webhook especially for overdraft status e.g Approval, sent to your web hook link provided in your account.

You can verify the web hook with the hash gotten in the header as the hash_hmac('sha512', “payload”, “your api key secret”) must match the provided hash in the header.

Payload example :

    type - STRING (action type e.g overdraftupdate, creditscoreupdate) 
    status - STRING (action status e.g approved, rejected, paid for Overdraft or updated for CS) 
    postid - INT (action posted, e.g overdraft ID for Overdraft or user ID for Credit Score) 
    message - STRING (e.g " Overdraft request approved or Credit score updated")

List Of Accepted Bank Codes

Bank codes HTML select tag :
                    <option value='' selected>Select Your Bank</option> <option value='801'>Abbey Mortgage Bank</option> <option value='044'>Access Bank</option> <option value='063'>Access Bank (Diamond)</option> <option value='035A'>ALAT by WEMA</option> <option value='50926'>Amju Unique MFB</option> <option value='401'>ASO Savings and Loans</option> <option value='51229'>Bainescredit MFB</option> <option value='50931'>Bowen Microfinance Bank</option> <option value='50823'>CEMCS Microfinance Bank</option> <option value='023'>Citibank Nigeria</option> <option value='559'>Coronation Merchant Bank</option> <option value='050'>Ecobank Nigeria</option> <option value='562'>Ekondo Microfinance Bank</option> <option value='50126'>Eyowo</option> <option value='070'>Fidelity Bank</option> <option value='51314'>Firmus MFB</option> <option value='011'>First Bank of Nigeria</option> <option value='214'>First City Monument Bank</option> <option value='501'>FSDH Merchant Bank Limited</option> <option value='00103'>Globus Bank</option> <option value='058'>Guaranty Trust Bank</option> <option value='51251'>Hackman Microfinance Bank</option> <option value='50383'>Hasal Microfinance Bank</option> <option value='030'>Heritage Bank</option> <option value='51244'>Ibile Microfinance Bank</option> <option value='50457'>Infinity MFB</option> <option value='301'>Jaiz Bank</option> <option value='082'>Keystone Bank</option> <option value='50211'>Kuda Bank</option> <option value='90052'>Lagos Building Investment Company Plc.</option> <option value='50549'>Links MFB</option> <option value='50563'>Mayfair MFB</option> <option value='50304'>Mint MFB</option> <option value='565'>One Finance</option> <option value='999991'>PalmPay</option>
                    <option value='526'>Parallex Bank</option> <option value='311'>Parkway - ReadyCash</option> <option value='999992'>Paycom</option> <option value='50746'>Petra Mircofinance Bank Plc</option> <option value='076'>Polaris Bank</option> <option value='101'>Providus Bank</option> <option value='502'>Rand Merchant Bank</option> <option value='125'>Rubies MFB</option> <option value='51310'>Sparkle Microfinance Bank</option> <option value='221'>Stanbic IBTC Bank</option> <option value='068'>Standard Chartered Bank</option> <option value='232'>Sterling Bank</option> <option value='100'>Suntrust Bank</option> <option value='302'>TAJ Bank</option> <option value='51211'>TCF MFB</option> <option value='102'>Titan Bank</option> <option value='032'>Union Bank of Nigeria</option> <option value='033'>United Bank For Africa</option> <option value='215'>Unity Bank</option> <option value='566'>VFD Microfinance Bank Limited</option> <option value='035'>Wema Bank</option> <option value='057'>Zenith Bank</option> 

For user bank code lists :


List Of Accepted Overdraft Status

Status HTML select tag : 
                    <option value='' selected>Select Loan Status</option> <option value='approved'>Approved</option> <option value='rejected'>Rejected</option> <option value='part-payment'>Part-Payment</option> <option value='bad'>Bad</option> 

For user overdraft/loan status update lists :


User Journey/Workflow Diagram


For user journey and workflow :



Our API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
X000 Some parameters are missing. This error appears when you don't pass every mandatory parameters.
X001 Unknown or unvalid secret_key. This error appears if you use an unknow API key or if your API key expired.
X002 Unvalid secret_key for this domain. This error appears if you use an API key non specified for your domain. Developper API keys doesn't have domain checker.
X003 Unknown or unvalid user token. This error appears if you use an unknow user token or if the user token expired.